Saturday, January 10, 2015

Healthy Comfort Foods for Game Day (21 Day Fix Approved)

It's Game Day for the Patriots and Ravens! I hate, hate, HATE bye weeks! After waiting for two weeks for a Patriots' game, I am very excited to watch the game this afternoon. Big games are only made better with good foods. The game is bound to make me stressed, excited, happy, sad, discouraged, angry, etc and with those emotions comes eating (even though I am working through this problem...).

Instead of reaching for a bag of chips or piece of pizza from the local pizza shop, I want to be proactive and create guilt free comfort foods. Some of the possibilities for today include: quinoa pizza bites, almond crusted chicken tenders, cheeseburger salad, and cauliflower crust pizza.

image (5)

Almond Crusted Chicken Tenders

Mini Cauliflower Pizza Crusts

As always MODERATION is key! Enjoy your guilt free eating and please share what you plan on eating during the NFL and College playoffs.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Making 21 Day Fix Easier With Shared Cheat Sheets

Every time I find a cheat sheet for 21 Day Fix I pin it on my 21 Day Fix board on Pinterest. Then I am constantly searching through my pins to find the cheat sheets as a reference for my challenge group participants. I am creating this post to help you easily find these cheat sheets. Some of these materials are mine, but most are borrowed from other 21 Day Fixers and I appreciate their generosity in sharing their creations. Please use these items to help you find success in your 21 Day Fix journey!

This first image is helpful to use if you plan to do more than one round of 21 Day Fix. You will quickly find that there isn't enough space in the booklet to write down multiple rounds of the program.

This image is one way you can count your containers. Just make sure you are using the correct number of containers for the amount of calories you calculate for yourself.

Didn't have time to clean your worries. This image shows you the serving size of each container.

This image shows you which foods you can put into each container.

Vegan or vegetarian...check out this list.
The workout schedule may seem a little overwhelming at first, but after Week 1 you will know exactly what you are doing!

Not sure what to buy...use this list to help you choose what to purchase at the grocery store!

Below you will find links to a chart created by Lauren during her first round of 21 Day Fix and the link to my Meal Plan (please make a copy of each before making changes!)