Saturday, April 26, 2014

Signs and Symptoms of Celiac Disease

When I first saw this picture for the symptoms of Celiac Disease I thought it was great. I then read through all of the symptoms and thought, "If I had only seen this before, then it would have answered a lot of questions for my mom and me."
Looking at it now though, I can see that a lot of the symptoms can relate to many other things. Bad breath-brush your teeth, mouth sores/ulcers-too many acidic foods, breast tenderness-PMS, acne-oily skin/PMS, short temper-over tired, etc., etc. (If anything, this sign certainly makes it easier to understand why Celiac Disease is misdiagnosed so often.)

Having already been diagnosed with Celiac, I think that this picture is a good resource to use to see if maybe I'm still exposing myself to gluten. If I'm experiencing any of these symptoms, I know that I need to look more closely at my diet and figure out what needs to go.

Friday, April 25, 2014

21 Day Fix

Winter was/is long this year. It was 34 degrees yesterday! Every winter I struggle with keeping my commitment to exercise and get caught up in eating what I shouldn't be eating. In March of this year I was introduced to 21 Day Fix. One of my former coworkers posted a challenge group request on Facebook and I looked into it. At first I thought a weight loss challenge that lasted 21 days was too good to be true. After looking into the portion control, clean eating meal plan, 30 minutes per day exercise routine, and the results people had posted I decided to give it a try. I am so glad that I decided to give this program a try.  
First, I knew that I could commit to anything for 21 days. No matter how bad it may have been, I knew that I could survive for 3 weeks. In hindsight, the 21 days went by so quickly I can't believe that I'm about to finish week 2 of P90x3, never mind 28 days of 21 Day Fix (yes, I did the workouts for 28 days and still use the meal plan!)
The portion sizes looked scary at first. Once I committed to eating every two to three hours and got use to shrinking my portions, I couldn't believe how much I was over eating before.
The first few days are trying. It is definitely mind over matter. After the first few days of portion controlled clean eating, I saw and felt the difference in my body.
I was never afraid of the workouts. Knowing that they were only 30 minutes long, I knew that I could commit to getting the workout done. What I didn't anticipate was how motivated I was to wake up every morning and complete the workout.
Shakeology...Love it! I bought the challenge pack for 21 Day Fix, which introduced me to Shakeology.  I currently drink the chocolate shake, love the chocolate flavor, and look forward to drinking it every day.
Summer is coming! Who doesn't want to look and feel great in time for summer?! If you purchase 21 Day Fix now, you can be looking and feeling great by Memorial Day and setting yourself up for your best summer yet!
For more information and to purchase 21 Day Fix click here!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sweet Tooth Snacking

I have a horrible sweet tooth and once I start eating sweets it's a slippery and dangerous slope. I've been looking for snack ideas to help me with my sweet tooth, but at the same time not wreck my healthy eating efforts. After some searching on Pinterest, I came up with this little snack.
I thinly slice an apple (I don't have an apple corer), put a thin layer of peanut butter, and then add some chocolate chips. The best two boys love this snack too!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Meal Planning

Being unprepared for meals can be a nightmare, especially if you're limited in your food choices. When food allergies or intolerance are a part of your family you can't just run to a chain restaurant and pick up something quick to eat.

I have found that meal planning makes life a lot easier. I have attempted meal planning in the past, but only created a list in a notebook while thinking about my groceries. Recently, while participating in 21 Day Fix through Beachbody, I decided to create a Google doc for my weekly meal plan.

 Click here for my 21 Day Fix Meal Plan

After creating the plan, I print it out and post it on the fridge. This way (whether my husband or I am making dinner) we know what we are making, what needs to be taken out of the freezer and where to find the recipe.

Do I always stick strictly to the meal plan? No, things happen, but I do know what I have on hand for food and can quickly change my meal if necessary.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Pinterest Fail Equals Creative Success...Zucchini Lasagna

Focusing on eating a cleaner diet has been a priority for me. Roughly 21 days ago I began the 21 Day Fix through Beachbody in an attempt to clean up my diet, gain control of my portions, and get back into exercising. This meal plan has led me to look for clean recipes for dinner.

While meal planning yesterday (as this is the thing to do when trying to eat a cleaner menu) I found a recipe for zucchini ravioli. (Found here Gluten free and clean eating...I thought it would be a different dinner item to try, but when I saw the four strips of zucchini thinly sliced and neatly wrapped around the meat mixture inside I knew it may be a bit challenging...I was correct.

I made the ground turkey, onion, spinach, and garlic mixture, but added quinoa and mozzarella cheese (hoping my 3 year old would eat it (fail!)) to it. Everything was coming together smoothly and then the wrapping began. First, I followed the method from the recipe and that didn't hold together. Then I decided to try to basket weave it together. That failed as well. Maybe my zucchini wasn't long enough?

In a last ditch attempt to save my dinner from flopping completely, I decided to lay zucchini across the bottom of the 9x11 casserole dish I was using. Then I put the meat mixture on top of the zucchini. I topped the meat mixture with another layer of zucchini and finished the dish off by topping the zucchini with marina sauce. I covered it with aluminum foil and backed it at 350 for 45 minutes (taking the foil off for the last 12 minutes).

I'm always fearful of how my new creations will taste, but this one was a crowd pleaser (other than my 3 year old!) and will definitely be returning to dinner again soon!
Slicing the zucchini. Unfortunately, the zucchini would not fit into the safety hold, which put my fingers at risk of being sliced off

Ground turkey, 2 cups spinach chopped, 1/2 red onion, 2 garlic cloves, salt, pepper and olive oil reading for cooking.
Everything cooked with quinoa (I cooked 1 cup of quinoa and added half) and mozzarella cheese (about 1.5 cups shredded) added.
Finished product (sorry I missed the assembly  pictures...I was a bit frazzled by the failure of my ravioli creation.)

***Portion control with the 21 Day Fix was a challenge on this dinner. For one, it was very tasty, but not overwhelming filling due to the zucchini layers, which led me to eat a wee bit more than I should have. The dinner does have quinoa (yellow container), mozzarella cheese (blue container), ground turkey (red container), spinach, onion, and zucchini (green container) in it.***

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Food, Food, FOOD!

Planning a celebration? What's on the menu?

Staff meeting this month? Whose responsible for the snack and what are they bringing?

Lose a loved one? Have you been eating?

Dieting? Can you think of anything other than the next morsel of food that will go in your mouth?

_______ Appreciation Day? Who wouldn't love a baked goody?

Name a life event and it will somehow include food. Something you may not notice until the food being served has been nixed from your diet for life. Three summers ago I received my gluten free life sentence. Three summers ago I began to realize how much of our lives revolve around food.

I am an elementary school teacher. Teacher Appreciation Day is in May. Every year parents show their appreciation by overwhelming the teachers with food. Each year I say, "Hey, I don't need the extra calories anyway!" But I can't help but feel slightly less appreciated while everyone else is in the teachers' room enjoying the feast.

I attended a series of 6 workshops that had lunch provided at each one. Each month, even after being reminded, the people running the workshop forgot to ask for a gluten free option.

I now pack lunches for every training I attend that has lunch provided knowing that outside of some fresh fruit, there will be nothing there for me. I make sure I keep snacks in the car for road trips (or my husband reminds me too), and I try to meal plan weekly.

I am thankful that there are many more options for gluten free now than there was even a decade ago when my grandfather found out he was gluten free. I am thankful for for allowing some pantry variety. I am thankful for Pinterest and the community of people who share their gluten free recipes. I am thankful that I find so much joy in creating delicious food that everyone in my family finds edible.

Tonight for dinner I made almond crusted chicken tenders...

I used this recipe
but changed it a bit. Instead of buying a chicken breast and slicing it (I hate cutting raw chicken) I bought chicken tenders. After putting the almonds through the food processor, I added just a bit of garlic powder, onion powder, sea salt and pepper. I did not use olive oil spray. I kept the tenders in a gallon sized baggie and sprinkled them with olive oil. I then placed the tenders in the almond mix.

This recipe was delicious and easy. I didn't make it home until 4:15 and dinner was completely made by 5:00. I don't see myself buying store bought chicken tenders or nuggets again for a long time!