I knew deep down that I needed to stop drinking these things. When I began 21 Day Fix in March I decided that I was going to give it all up. I thought I'd have some headaches for a day or two and then be fine. Boy was I wrong! I ended up going to bed really early on day one because I was so sick to my stomach, which I attributed to my lack of artificial sweetner. I guess I was going through detox! I stuck with the no artificial sweetner for about a week and a half. Then I fell back into my old excuse. Diet Coke was my only crutch and I wasn't giving it up, which also led me back ice tea with equal.
Fast forward to last week...I began 3 Day Refresh on Monday and I was giving up artificial sweetner and caffeine. I have done really well. I have not had ice tea with equal. I have switched to iced green tea with lemon. I have had one Diet Coke and one Diet Pepsi (anything in moderation right) and honestly, they didn't do much for me.
I've noticed that I am not as bloated, my clothes are fitting better, and I just feel better overall. Not to mention that I don't feel guilty for drinking things that are so bad for me. What I am struggling with STILL is dehydration. I am not a fan of water, but I'm working on it!
Right now I'm focusing on eating less CRAP and eating more FOOD!